Posted by: sammerz | 16 December, 2007


Today at 8:30am in the morning, SGS had finally turned 1!

I went to Stephberry’s house and to my surprise she had stayed up late the previous night to print out a super-sized photo-mural of one of our favourite photos!!!  She also gave me a present which was a frame consisting of 5 photos, spelling out “FAITH!”  In a couple of the photos Steph was looking up to me, and in another couple I was looking up to her.  We’re leading each other on the faith walk God has set up for us!  Our special day had only just begun…

I set up a little puzzle for my Stephberry!  To prepare, in our 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th month celebrations (according to some, these are “milestones”), I gave her little puzzle pieces each providing an extra clue to a geographical location.  Following the puzzle map, Steph made her way to “Checkpoint 1”.  There I gave her a little note which said that the very place where she parked her car was where I had, a year ago, waited for her to leave our pastor’s place.  This was during that “Time Alone With God” (or TAWG) period just before we became official.  I was waiting for my turn to see our pastor and did not want to make eye contact, in case we drove past each other!  At Checkpoint 1, we hopped out of the car (Steph was driving) and she made her way to the park according to the clues.  There was only one tree that had “three trunks” and behind it was a non-descript box containing a Mumble HappyFeet toy which can dance to music.  There I also gave her a little note reminding that this was our first movie together.

We next drove 1.5hrs to the Mornington Peninsula where we had brunch (scones and coffee) at Checkpoint 2: Heronswood Cafe.  Shortly after, we went to the tip of the Peninsula, to London Bridge.  Checkpoint 3.  Here I gave Steph another note saying that it was during a beach trip where I first (and finally) found out she was interested in me.  We drove all the way back to Steph’s place where we had some time to chill.

The 4th and final checkpoint for our adventurous day was dinner on board the Colonial Tramcar Restaurant (which required a 3-month advanced booking!)  What an amazing day it was!  The mouth-watering dinner was a great finale!  I sent Steph home, hiding one more present and a note under her pillow (I had to wake her the next morning before she discovered it).

Perhaps, I’ll leave it to her if she wants to share a little more… =) 

Happy one year, Stephberry!

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